It's no wonder that she's given up on the genre for the time being and has instead moved on to werewolves with the February 2012 release of The Wolf Gift, a book that I guarantee will redefine the mythology. And I haven't even read it yet. I don't have to. That's just what she does. She turns legends inside out and fills in the holes that have existed for centuries. She did this reworking with vampires, witches, mummies, an ensemble of ghosts (most all of whom were from New Orleans, by the way), oh, and a marginal literary character by the name of Jesus Christ. And guess what? Anne Rice is about to do it again, readers, and no one has earned the authority to do so more than she has.
I've also seen recently that Anne Rice's Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt is being adapted into a film to be directed by Chris Columbus, and I may have this wrong, but it looks as though she may have some casting pull this time around. This, as some of you may remember, is a far cry from when Tom Cruise was cast as Lestat in the film version of Interview, a complaint that she later retracted, but one that I suspect kept her out of the creative meetings that resulted in the horrendous 2002 film adaptation of Queen of the Damned.
I certainly hope that this is the case, which would give Anne Rice the "author"-ity that she has deserved from Hollywood for well over thirty years now, taking her place as the reason why vampires are still around to make sparkly and send to proms.
You are absolutely right. :)
Spot on!
Couldn't have said it better myself. :D
thank you !!
Amen! When you're right, you're right! Keep bogging!
Well said Ted! I have been complaining about this very point in "not so eloquently" put words for years now. In my opinion there has never been a more well defined or rich vampire world than Anne Rice's. Other than the fact that her ideas hit so close to what my feeble mind has always envisioned as "realistic/consistent" vampire traits, she very well might be the most talented word smith I have ever had the pleasure to experience. When an ex-girlfriend made me go to watch the original Twilight, the first and only time I whole-heartedly assure, I could not help but throw up a little in my mouth to see a relatively young vampire actually sparkle in the daylight. Sparkle! I could not believe that the mythology of vampires could be so brutally hacked a part and still considered entertainment by some. Even though I have most thoroughly enjoyed every vampire chronicle for years now I cannot hold any misgivings whatsoever over her shift towards another myth. I most certainly agree with you Ted. I very much look forward to reading how Anne saves the werewolf mythology from the True Blood, Twighlight worlds.
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