It certainly is a glorious
feeling sending something like a manuscript out in the mail, knowing that the
physical pages themselves are being carried across country packed neatly in their
own form-fitting, 8 ½ by 11 box.
And even now I think about how great those pages are going to look when
that box is opened to reveal all of my hard work. I told some friends of mine recently who seem to be quite
optimistic about this new step in my writing career that for me this is
comparable to opening a business or building a house, that having had no children
of my own, these are the kids that I'm raising and sending through college.
Writing to me has always
been a constant, a thing that I'm simply wired to do regardless of whether or
not I reach any level of success, and so even the smallest of victories feel
tremendous. Being home in New Orleans
now for a little over two months, I find myself still hunting out the same old quiet
places to write from my comparative youth, a habit of mine that only in
retrospect did I realized I'd been doing for the better part of the past twenty
years. I've done this everywhere
I've lived, and it's consistencies like that one that make it easy to understand
who I am at my core.
And so now as my
fingertips gently brush the golden ring that I've been reaching for since the
First Round of queries went out almost two years ago, never before have I felt
so much in the game for real.
Believe me when I say that email submissions and hard copy submissions
are two different beasts. Right
now with any degree of luck, the industry person who requested to see more of
the rooms in this house that I've built is thumbing their way through the
structure page by page and one square foot at a time, and it takes every bit of
my writer's imagination not to think that they're hopefully enjoying all of the
amenities that I've put into place for their visit.