I'd like to start off
this post by first apologizing to the few literary agents that I queried over
the holidays. Leave it to the rookie to foul-up the game by not knowing
the rules. But I'll get to that soon.
I sent the Fourth
Round of queries out on October 6, 2013 after a lengthy revision process to
both the manuscript and the query letter itself, making the whole package more
accessible based entirely on what I'd learned form the first three rounds and
from reading more books. That last part
is important. I always feel the need to
stress in this blog how I do indeed read in addition to write, but I suppose
what I really mean is that I've read a variety of different books in different
genres just to get a feel for flow and structure and so forth from one type of
book to the next.
The result was not
only a more readable manuscript, but also a grabber of a query letter that
managed to get ... and may I get a broken snare-drum roll here ... my first
request for a partial! Sure, it's since
been rejected, but damnit if I didn't frame that thing! In a way, it was the most important
correspondence I've gotten to date!
The months then went
by as the rejections came in, as well as one more request for a partial that
went unanswered. While waiting, and
building on the idea that writers are always either submitting or writing new
stuff, I continued to hammer out the first draft of a new book. In this area I'm back to my old self again,
feeling that sense of peace that I mentioned in a previous blog, where nothing
else quite compares. A writer is at
their happiest when they're producing new pages.
On Christmas Eve
2013, I sent out a round of resubmissions to agents who I hadn't heard from in
a while (who didn't specify on their website the "no
response=rejection" policy) in addition to a new, Fifth Round of
queries. The latter was a huge mistake,
as some came back with immediate auto-replies saying that their offices were
closed, while one in particular said that my query would be deleted. It made me wonder how many of the few I sent
out in Christmas Eve were actually going to be deleted, and so I now plan to
send them out again strictly as a technicality on the first of next month,
hoping that these agencies will grant me the Mulligan. In the meantime, the Sixth Round will be put
together with an updated query letter.
The lesson: there are
bad times to send out query letters, one of which being the holidays. Some blogs disagree with this, but most
simply explain the point by asking the prospective author to put themselves in
the shoes of the agents and/or their assistants. Would you want to deal with anything at your
job coming in when you should be heading out?
Likewise, the first
week of January automatically puts you in the "resolution pile" of
authors who vowed at the beginning of the year to finally get those query
letters out once and for all. This can
be an insulting thing to consider if in fact you've been querying all year. But again, put yourself in the agent's and/or
their assistant's shoes, and all is understood.
And so it goes. I'm making progress in that the manuscript is
floating around out there in some important hands, and maybe some
not-so-important hands, and I can only assume that my name has been uttered by
more than a few literary agents and/or their assistants. A new book is being written, and so far so